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Through its activities, the Morris Plains Democratic Committee (MPDC) gathers Democrats to serve our citizens by:
providing a forum for information and exchange of ideas on important local and state issues;
being an incubator for proposals, strategies, and candidates to support Democratic ideals and policy positions;
engaging in the local electoral process;
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What We Stand For
Transparent, responsive, and engaged leadership.
Thoughtful, fiscally responsible development that puts our community's needs first.
A strategic, inclusive approach to the management of our Borough and its resources.
A commitment to volunteer and public service.
Councilwoman Nancy Verga to run for re-election to the Morris Plains Council.
Councilman Michael Ivey to be her running mate.

In appreciation of Councilwoman Joan Goddard
At the end of December, Joan issued a video explaining her plans to resign from her Council post. Since then, many Morris Plains residents have sent Joan statements of their support and appreciation. As members of the Morris Plains Democratic Committee (MPDC), we echo those sentiments. Joan’s dedication and commitment to the citizens of Morris Plains have been exemplary. Her numerous contributions to the borough throughout six years of service on the Council demonstrated her remarkable work ethic. We are proud of Joan’s leadership and many achievements. To say we will miss her in this role is an understatement.

Our solace is that she remains a valued member of MPDC and of our community. We will stand with Joan, Steve and Caroline in the days ahead. They have our love and our steadfast support.
Councilwoman Joan Goddard's Resignation Statement
View it here at 1:40:00.